Save Money & Time with Purple Perks Club!
Scan QR codes for instant access to exclusive promotions at your favourite stores. With Purple Perks Club, discover deals, track memberships & gift cards, join loyalty programs to earn gift card rewards and purchase tickets to local events all in one place. Say goodbye to endless searches and cluttered wallets!
* Effortless Registration: Register once and enjoy one-tap access to all features.
* Events: Purchase tickets to events happening in and around North Cyprus. Enjoy the additional benefit of being able to buy for a friend and share it with them to add to their own inventory.
* Promotions at your fingertips: Discover amazing deals and scan QR codes to redeem them instantly.
* Membership Management: Keep track of all your memberships and loyalty programs in a single app.
* Gift Card Management: Purchase, manage, and share gift cards from participating businesses.
* Loyalty Rewards: Earn gift card rewards with every purchase at your favourite stores and redeem them for even more savings!
Download Purple Perks Club today!
[ :mav: 2.8.3]